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Driftless Birds

Outdoor Cats

Sweet, smart, funny, lovable.  But according to the American Bird Conservancy outdoor cats kill approximately 2.4 billion birds every year in the U.S. alone, making cat predation the largest source of direct, human-caused mortality to birds (American Bird Conservancy).

Well-fed cats, cats allowed out “only at night”, cats who “stay in the yard” are still successful predators, dangerous to wildlife. For the sake of the birds (as well as your cat), keep your cat indoors.

By the way, keeping cats indoors is good for your kitty. Indoor cats typically live much longer (up to 20 years) than their indoor-outdoor counterparts (3-4 years). 

The Wisconsin Humane Society has detailed, helpful information for helping a cat adjust to indoor life. More information can be found at the Animal Humane Society Transitioning an outdoor cat to indoor life and The Humane Society for the United States How to bring an outside cat indoors.


Kitty at Window - Peg Zappen
This kitty is sitting pretty while enjoying the action at local bird feeders. Photo by Peg Zappen.